Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Avett Brothers!!!

Justin and I just went to see the coolest band on Sunday night in Tulsa, the Avett Brothers. We hadn't really heard much of their music, but we went with our friends Micah and Kristen and loved them (thanks guys!). They are kind of quirky bluegrassy type group. It's two brothers-one plays banjo and harmonica, one plays guitar and piano, and they both switch off on playing the drums. Their cousin is the bass player (upright mostly), and they had a cellist with them that was really cool. They were so much fun to watch. They are so full of energy and make everyone in the audience want to dance (or for those of us that are uptight white people, we bop our heads). Oh, and they have really cool harmonies, which is always a big plus in my book. Go check them out on Itunes or Myspace or look them up on the internet, whatever. Just go listen to them! I just bought their Emotionalism cd from Itunes and love it. Eli likes it too, which is cool, b/c he usually doesn't want to listen to our music.

Here is a cool video of them to give you a preview.

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